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An Open Letter To Aquarius


Dear Aquarius, here is your astrological forecast for April 2019. Uranus conj. Sun Taurus 4th House suggests that your home and family life are going to benefit from the impact of new technology in numerous ways. Extra spending money may enable the purchase of entertainment equipment linked to smart phones with the capability to do a myriad of important tasks from a distance. The capabilities are going to be mind blowing and present a challenge to anyone over a certain age to cope with. I just hope you have some tech-wise seven year old to get to grip with it all.

Saturn and Lunar energies combine to bring domestic responsibilities to your attention. You are going to do a good job of combining family finances with joint finances originating from a business project. However, you may have to deny yourself some pleasures and knuckle down to some serious work and study. This is a favourable time for steady progress in businesses related food, farming, property renovation and domestic products and services. If some issues get too much for you turn to older women with business experience for good advice or financial assistance.

Those looking for a platonic friendship and a travelling companion may be introduced to another individual who has the same needs.

Mars in 5th House of your Natural Horoscope may denote a challenging exchange of words with a sexually frustrated and jealous individual. The aim of this individual in to impede the development of a happy relationship. However, to be warned is to be forearmed. Don't let this individual get under your skin. Ignore them and take everything they say with a huge pinch of salt. This is a good time for artists and musicians to give the performance of their lives. You have vigour, energy and the daring to do the near impossible and bring the house down. Sporty types are going to break their personal bests. Sculptures don't often grab the headlines but if you put on your outrageous and provocative hat you may just get your name in print.

Neptune in the 2nd House may indicate you need to be on high alert for some confidence tricksters who attempts to take advantage of your kindness. But on a more positive note the same aspect suggests that some inspired financial dealings will be conducted in secret.

Finally, some incident related to the education of children or a visit to a hospital is the subject of a misunderstanding or missed appointment.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Doleman

Mon, 4 March 19 : 14:03 : Guy Doleman

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