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An Open Letter To Gemini


Dear Gemini, here is your astrological forecast for April 2019. Planets in the 12th house of your Natural Horoscope - the house of clandestine activities and secret schemes - indicate the discovery of a few skeletons rattling about in someone's cupboard.

While some allegations could be true don't blow a fuse and let your temper rip until you expose all the facts to the clear light of day. I say this because the benign influence of Jupiter suggests that certain private issues may resolve themselves, or, even prove to be beneficial to you in the long run. So bite your tongue and bide your time. Also, due to Neptune's potentially subversive influence, bear in mind the possibility that someone is embellishing the truth, or, even deliberately misdirecting your attention for their own ends. In short: don't permit false friends or duplicitous work colleagues to spoil your happiness by whisper untruths in your ear. Take everything you hear with a pinch of salt.

The North Node of the Moon, currently in the second house of your horoscope, relating to personal income and potential earning power, links fortuitously with the Moon and Neptune. In some way female friends, wife or mother, may be prime movers in helping you to gain power and influence over potential opponents, or, even open enemies.

Mars in your 1st House of your Natural Horoscope might ignite your appetite for excitement and adventure. Many Gemini are going to be push themselves to the limit of their endurance and make heavy demands upon their stamina and strength. Some Gemini will shun team sports and undertake a vigorous training program with the aim of running a marathon, or, climbing a high mountain peek while other don rugby shirts or join a dart's team. Each to their own. But in some way you will all be driven to prove your dominance and valour.

Mars and Saturn join forces to sharpen your concentration and strengthen your determination to get a business off the ground. You are in no mood to reach compromises or pull your punches. If you have been involved in some protracted negotiations that are seem to be going nowhere fast, sheer exasperation will impel you to draw a line in the sand and refuse to make further concessions.

Finally, unattached Gemini might react to the conjunction of Venus - the planet of love and romance - and your ruling planet of Mercury with enthusiasm and glee. Feeling all loved-up you might run off to Blackpool or Las Vegas and begin planning to tie the knot abroad and face the music when you return home.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Doleman

Sun, 3 March 19 : 10:03 : Guy Doleman

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