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Creating Harmony in Your Life and on Earth

Creating Harmony in Your Life and on Earth
Healing ourselves and the Earth needs to be a priority as we move forward into 2018 .The theme for this event is “Creating Harmony”. The relaxed venue of Box End Park gave us a wonderful energy to work within with the previous event. Out in nature and overlooking a beautiful lake, it presents us with additional energies for us to connect with energetically to assist us throughout the day. Please note the event itself is taking place in the conference centre at Box End Park. There is adequate free parking available and it is within easy reach of Bedford. There is also disabled access. Those of you who attended the previous workshop were aware of the build up of the beautiful energies of love throughout the day so that we were able to send a lot of love to the Earth and the Universe to help them to heal. This workshop theme is that of bringing harmony to ourselves, our lives and ultimately to the planet and the universe. If we are to bring harmony into all areas of our life then we need to understand where the ‘disharmony’ is so that it can be healed and released. Where there is harmony, there is love, where there is love there is flow and when everything flows we have moved ‘on purpose’ and are doing what our Soul desires. Change, however, doesn’t come without going within and truly understanding what it is that needs to heal in order for you to be able to create the world that you wish to live in. For change to be instigated, healing must have taken place. This is a very significant time in our history and when we are willing to go inward to find completeness we naturally assist with raising the vibration and helping the Earth to also find that completeness. Authenticity is key moving forward and each of us, including the Earth, needs to move into our authentic self, becoming once more the multidimensional, limitless being of love that we truly are. For us to create harmony within the world we must first go within and create harmony within ourselves. Earth is an entity who needs us to help assist her with facilitating her healing and there is a lot that we can do to help both individually and as a group. To heal on a deep level we must first heal ourselves so that as we raise our vibration we can help the Earth to heal on a much deeper level. Working collectively we can really help her to clear the negativity that has accumulated within her over many thousands of years. This workshop will be channelled and experiential and will include: Understanding Your Purpose Are you on Purpose or following your ‘Shadow Purpose’? Where is the disharmony in your life? Honouring your truth and moving fully ‘On Purpose’ How can we help to create harmony on Earth? As always with my workshops, this will be a relaxed event where I will be guided by my heart and Source. There will be group work, individual healing and healing work done as a group, to assist ourselves and the Earth. I believe that it is possible for us to live in harmony with Earth and each other once more. People are waking up and realising that it is time for things to change. The energies coming into Earth are changing perception and the illusion that has been created by fear is starting to become more apparent. The key to everything is love, pure unconditional love and as we open our hearts and bring love into the world we help to raise the vibration and heal, the Earth, and the collective consciousness as well as ourselves. As we create happiness and harmony in our own lives through the energies of love, so then can we project that out into the world and help to bring it back to a place of harmony and love. Love is far more powerful an energy than fear and so it is with love that heaven on Earth may be created.
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Peaceful Living Workshops

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