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Can anyone clairvoyance?

"I knew this was going to happen!" Do you know such an exclamation? Well, it will be a coincidence that your friend suspected something. Presumably, the conditions were specified in such a way that this scenario was to be expected. In some cases, however, it looks different. Then there are no guesses because there is no previous history from which a derivation would be possible. Can your friend clairvoyance?

Those who have good empathy are well on their way to training their intuition. Vibrations are everywhere in the air. In the office, at home, in your spare time or when you are hanging out with friends. Sometimes you can really feel the "bad air" in the room when a group has just quarreled. You can also see the wrinkled faces and immediately feel that something is wrong here. Everyday clairvoyance is usually not a clairvoyant ability that can be used to foresee events in the future in detail. This everyday clairvoyance is often limited to shorter periods of time.

Sometimes only seconds are important. When the intuition is strengthened, the famous feeling can act as a navigator. Because feeling is the clairvoyant tool. But we often ignore this because we prefer a different priority at the moment. You may not know that gut instinct acts like a secretary to your higher self. It gives you messages that should be helpful to you and your life. We usually only reflect on the useful gut feeling when something has already happened. “I had a bad feeling in my stomach and still went up this mountain,” could be a statement from a mountain climber who broke his leg.

The funny thing is that the people who have such an experience soon ignore their gut feeling again. Clairvoyance is canceled without further ado. But why is that so? We humans tend to label many things as coincidences. It also includes a gut feeling that warned you. It falls into the category of chance and is less considered as a long-term tool of premonition. But with clairvoyance you don't have to see anything.

Clairvoyance does not necessarily have to do with “seeing”. It can also be about feelings that you can feel. But we humans only trust our feelings to a limited extent. Sometimes this skepticism about personal clairvoyance is also justified. Because a lot of feelings come into play in our life when we look at an ordinary day. The stress at work, the argument with your partner, the traffic jam in the evening rush hour - all of this does something to you. And all of this also triggers feelings.

Viewed in this way, it can be difficult to distinguish feelings that contain a clairvoyant message from those that result from other motives. So personal clairvoyance works best when you're in a relaxed mood. A heated situation can mess up feelings and are less useful. Another interesting aspect is the relationship between two people. Intimate bonds or love are good lubricants for personal clairvoyant interpretation. Classically, the mother-child bond serves as a prime example. There are mothers who really feel when something has happened to their child.

But strong friendships can also benefit from this. Think about a phone call with your best friend and just minutes later he calls you? We see that personal clairvoyance has its place in life, but is often not perceived as such.

Clairvoyance: don't think, don't judge, just let it work

Have you received an important invitation and do you want to ask about your gut feeling? Then take a look at the invitation. Do not judge the event or think about whether it is good or bad for you. Simply identify the invitation as such. Then feel in your stomach if there is any feeling for it. So you can easily train your personal clairvoyance. At the end of the day, of course, the rational mind always plays a role. This should never be ignored. Personal clairvoyance is just a small indicator that can be consulted, but it should never be critical to major and life changing events.

The gut feeling is not always right

Fears are immensely bothersome when it comes to training personal clairvoyance. Because fears have an enormous influence on how we think and act. Sometimes right and sometimes unnecessary. One cannot always analyze this fear. The objectivity is therefore very limited or not available at all. Gut feelings or clairvoyant interpretations rarely have any meaning here. Seen in this way, the gut feeling can be a pure feeling of fear and not a meaningful indication.

El Maya

Thu, 27 August 20 : 8:08 : Enjoy

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