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Enjoy Holistic

London, UK

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Your Body Is An Illusion

Your body is an illusion! Yes it is, although it appears solid and real, it is, in fact 99.9% energy. This Energy/Chi/Scalar/Prana/Love is the very substance of which the Universe is comprised.

Everything we see, feel, and taste is an illusion concocted by our brains and minds. We say, "I have this illness, condition, or problem," yet we don't have anything, we are just experiencing a particular condition.

Since we are this Chi/Scalar/Prana energy, as is everything, then what is this? It is God/Creator/Universe/Supreme Being, or Love. We are not our bodies, mind, feelings, or emotions. We are merely experiencing things through a physical body in an effort (a lot of effort) to balance our Karmic energy and return to Source and the Leace and Love that is our true essence.

Many people are experiencing tremendous personal challenges as the earth and solar system change traversing into new energetic space/time. As we do so, we are being forced to change. Some of us go kicking and screaming, however others embrace the change and flow with the river of life. For most, the controlling ego doesn't want to change, so it clings to the old habits and patterns of many lifetimes creating stories, scenarios and patterns that hold us back until we let go of the energy behind the stories.

It is up to each person to realize that our experiences in a human body are akin to being a character in a movie and when the movie ends, we step out of character, shed our costumes and have a party!

To understand the true self is like flying in a plane. Sometimes there are many clouds and as we move through those clouds there is turbulence. It is difficult to see where we are going and nothing appears clear. The mind makes up stories about what lies ahead, fearing the unknown and if we will make it. What is ahead and how will we get to our destination, flows through the anxious mind,as the mind is the clouds. Our thoughts, which are energy, create the fear and disillusion, the imbalances, and the illness.

If we trust in the Creator, whom we are literally a part of, then we are trusting in ourselves and as we rise through the clouds/mind, then it is a matter of time before we are clear of them and experience the sunshine and blue sky that is our true nature. Everyone has the ability to rise through the clouds to connect with our true nature!

As we play our roles living in bodies, we need to know that we can access our true-selves by going within and releasing the old energy and stories through various holistic healing modalities.

We are not the illusion of body, mind feelings or emotions, but the peace and love of God, literally! We can shed the hallucination of this 3D world, but it takes work. This work is best done through a holistic approach and one can approach it by engaging in modalities such as meditation, yoga, hypnotherapy, DNA activations, inner-child work, Tai Chi, EFT, mindfulness, or many others.

It doesn't matter what you do because you are all of the things you seek; you already are the Love, Peace and Joy, you just forgot!


Sat, 5 October 19 : 11:10 : Q

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