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Full Moon Gong Bath

Full Moon Gong Bath (actual Full Moon is on the 5th) Come along to let go and harmonise yourself with the energies of the gong. Sound is a vibrational energy that can be wonderfully healing when combined with the right intention. It can help to relax you and thus reduce stress levels, and in doing so it usually assists in the ability to sustain a deeper sense of inner peace and thus facilitates the “right energy” to sustain well being and better health. The idea is that sounds aids a person to relax their conscious mind and achieve alpha and theta brainwave states that promote that deeper sense of relaxation where healing happens. The energy and vibrations of the sound promote a relaxation of the body and soul as well as the mind. Gongs are a particularly powerful way of facilitating sound healing. Doug Buckingham is a fully trained Gong Master and offer 1-2-1 gong healing sessions as well as group gong bathes. I work with Paiste planetary gongs – specifically with a 36” Pluto for deep transformation, a 24” Venus for enhancing love, creativity and opening the heart, and a 28″ Jupiter to radiate positive energy to help you dance with lie more effortlessly. For this workshop, please observe all normal practices as you would for any energy therapy session: i.e. avoid alcohol and any drugs other than prescriptions beforehand (unless needed) Water will be provided to keep yourself hydrated Make sure your clothing is reasonably comfortable Your Investment Your investment for each evening is only £15 payable in advance If places are still available then payment on the night is £20 per person 12 places are available for each evening – please let me know which month you are paying for when you make your payment. You can pay here by Paypal or by using your credit card or Block book five sessions (either gong or crystal bowl) for use by you/friends/partner and save £10 Thank You
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DougBuckingham - Hello, I'm Doug and I am passionate about how we can create our lives from the inside out and in general the world of energy medicine.

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