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Crystal Sound for the New Moon

Crystal Sound for the New Moon New Moons are about the beginning of cycles, and so the energy of crystal and sound as well as your intention can set you up wonderfully well for the month ahead. This is a sound healing evening meditation using quartz crystal singing bowls, alchemy crystal bowls and crystal singing pyramids. For relaxation, letting go of the old, integrating the new and general expansion of consciousness and new possibilities. Sound Healing, Using Quartz Crystal Bowls, is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, assist consciousness, and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. It helps to facilitate alpha and theta brainwave states that stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities. Sound is scientifically proven to influence the physiological systems of the body and potential alter autonomic function such as heart rate and blood pressure, as well as boosting the immune system and stimulating the body’s healing response. In short, sound can help you to feel better in and about your life, and offer you the opportunity for positive change.Many who have experienced this know that they have been touched by the sound of these instruments in a very special way, and come away feeling healed, cleared and purified at a very deep level. “I didn’t know what to expect at a crystal bowl evening but was recommended by a family member to go along to one. Personally I never looked back . It enabled me to relax, unwind and develop a deep meditative state that I have never experienced before. The sound of the bowls was incredible and extremely powerful for me. I would recommend anyone to go and in a symbolic way it has some how made things a lot more clearer in my life as a whole . ” G. R. Essex
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DougBuckingham - Hello, I'm Doug and I am passionate about how we can create our lives from the inside out and in general the world of energy medicine.

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