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The 21-day Creation Challenge

Friends, join me in playing a role in participating with the 21-day creation challenge starting May 1st! As I continue to explore this challenge for myself, one of the many things it has revealed is so much of the blind spots and limitations I have unconsciously come to conclude as all there is as me and in that forgetting the state which exists that can consciously create and shape a life of benediction not just for me, but for all that I effect being me. Let's hold a space together these 21 days and challenge ourselves to wake up to something more as ourselves, not just for us but also as gift to humanity!🙌🏾. The challenge is free and accessible via a free app download with four in-person 1-hr online sessions spread out over the 21 days to help support the commitment. Simply register at: You will receive all the necessary info to start the challenge!
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