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THE TWO DAY PSYCHIC ART SEMINAR Join from the comfort of your arm-chair at home Online Seminar Listen, participate, Learn and Discover new ways to include Art in your Mediumship. All levels welcome No prior skills required This Seminar is limited to a small number of people (max 6) to allow each participant to become involved in the process of developing their skills in Art for Mediumship and Psychic Readings. A wide range of lessons involving Psychic Art on Saturday and Spirit Art and Mediumship on Sunday is aimed to assist in new ways to open your creativity, so one day you can better serve the Spirit World. Max seats for this seminar: 6 The idea is for students to gain tutor guidance when completing their activities, ensuring no-one is left out. Visit the website to discover the breaktimes. Sunday is actually allocated to end at 16.00 but may in fact finish at 17.00 so please ensure to have the free time to stay until 5pm. I'm sure this will be a FUN, INSIGHTFUL seminar to help you learn or enhance your art skills. If you are running late or have problems accessing the group at the start, please do not panic or worry, you are welcomed to join the group when you can. Advisable You are recommended to use a Laptop or PC as it will be easier to work with, however IPAD is also acceptable. All students will be required to be viewed on webcam throughout the day, however, should at times you need to leave the session, you will have the option to turn your video off and simply switch it back on when you return. You will need LAPTOP/PC MIC + HEADSET/SPEAKERS NOTEPAD + PEN BLANK PAPER + A FEW COLOURED PENCILS I look forward to seeing you on Saturday at 11am. Anne-Marie x BOOKING IS VIA THE WEBSITE Contact [email protected]
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