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M-Joy Integrative Seminar

M-Joy Integrative Seminar
M-JOY INTEGRATIVE SEMINAR DESCRIPTION Invitation To PLAY and Experience. This course is open to Everyone. Come PLAY in the WE Experience! Activate True Authentic Power (TAP) from the field of the heart as a catalyst for interactive reality creation, manifestation, and experience. Immerse yourself and integrate in 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy as an everyday, every-way experience. Command Field Flow Everything is You in relation to…Everything. Join Melissa Joy and other heart-minded individuals in a shared Love Hologram to discover the power of commanding Field Flow so you may consistently choose your resonant experience. Just Choose. Many life experiences are the result of the Fields we are in resonance with. When we resonate in fields of fear, lack, separation, and limitation, our lives will reflect accordingly. When we resonate in fields of love, abundance, unity and expansion, our lives mirror this, too. This class is open to EveryOne. Presence and curiosity are all that is required for you to benefit from this seminar. These Fields will meet us wherever WE are in our journey of interactive reality creation to provide a foundation of expansion. Come PLAY in this dynamic ever-evolving life transforming seminar. See you soon and Always in our shared Love Hologram. In-Joy! Melissa Joy
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