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Rosalind Stone

About Rosalind Stone

Rosalind Stone is a wordsmith and editrix with a passion for exploring the emotions that can be evoked through wordcraft, and their ripple effects into our collective consciousness.

Rosalind Stone is a wordsmith and editrix with a passion for exploring the emotions that can be evoked through wordcraft, and their ripple effects into our collective consciousness. She believes that meditation can empower everybody to unlock new facets of their personal potential, and is proud to help more people access its benefits by increasing awareness of Beeja meditation.

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A new dawn for a new you: the benefits of natural light

Tue, 22 October 19 : 13:10 : Shoreditch, London, UK GB
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Say no to negative self-talk - it’s time for a new mantra

Wed, 26 June 19 : 15:06 : Shoreditch, London, UK GB
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Rosalind Stone

Bio: Rosalind Stone is a wordsmith and editrix with a passion for exploring the emotions that can be evoked through wordcraft, and their ripple effects into our collective consciousness. She believes that meditation can empower everybody to unlock new facets of their personal potential, and is proud to help more people access its benefits by increasing awareness of Beeja meditation.

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