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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear communication from the Spirit world? Have you ever thought you might be Clairaudient? Have you experienced hearing voices or sounds that you think are from your Guides or loved ones in Spirit? By attuning our senses to this natural ability, we can all learn to receive communication from those in other realms. This Workshops gives you a chance to learn to do that and develop any existing Clairaudient ability you might have. If you have never had an experience of hearing Spirit, this Workshop gives you the chance to try and learn how to develop this skill. Naturally Clairaudient all her life, Amy Hounsome, together with her husband Steve, a natural psychic and Tarot reader, present this workshop that gives you the chance to try a number of exercises to develop Clairaudience. It is during the exercises done on the day you may hear what Spirit have to say to you. No previous experience or knowledge is required to fully participate in and get benefit from the Workshop.
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VISIT WEBSITE 07852 980199 (Steve Hounsome)

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