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Reality Formula & Relationship in London!

Lynne Forrest is coming to London to bring The Reality Formula®, a practice for remembering who you are beyond the “False image” you have believed yourself to be. October 18-20, 2019 Join us for this powerful weekend of experiential learning as we discover the many ways we block love and explore ways to open our hearts more fully to one another through acceptance. You will Discover that Love IS: Honest, open, and relentlessly kind Accepting Understanding Self-Responsible Respectful of Others Empathetic Listening Authentic in Response You will discover that Love is NOT: Efforts to coerce, seduce, manipulate or control Attempts to turn our partner into being who we think they should be Attempts to win our partner over through bribery or gifts A “tit for tat” mentality How am I loving you if I put my happiness and sense of well-being into your hands? How loving does it feel if I assign you the job of making me happy? And then perhaps I feel obligated to make your well-being my priority as well. How can this situation bring anything beyond resentment and martyrdom between us? Our partners cannot deliver to us self-esteem, self-appreciation, inner freedom, or self-forgiveness wrapped up in a pretty bouquet. Successful relationships don’t just happen – Right relationship is an inside job and the first step is self-responsibility – Not blame. True self-responsibility is self-initiated, and is aligned with reality. It allows us to respond to others from a free space, grounded self-awareness. Once we turn our gaze in on the Inner Beloved, and begin to appreciate and feel gratitude for that primary relationship, it is only a matter of time before we will also attract that same quality of relationship to us from the outer world. We can always know that those closest to us serve as mirrors for us demonstrating what our own relationship with ourselves looks like for further refinement possibilities. Cost: Single £500.00, Couples £900.00 To Book Tickets:
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