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Meet your Power Animal

Ever been interested in Shamanism ? This is a nice gentle way to come and find out if its for you. This is a lovely 4 hour workshop where with the aid of drumming you will be taken on a shamanic journey, too meet your power animal, or you animal guide. Find out how they are working with you at present, why they are with you and how they serve you best. Do not worry if you have never journeyed before this is is the ideal intimate workshop with only 12 spaces to help you journey in a safe and friendly environment. The workshop will also show you how to call in the power of the directions at the start of the workshop and a guided meditation will be done to help you find your safe place. Tickets are £35 per person. There will be a refreshment break in the middle, with tea, coffe and biscuits - or you can bring you own Any further questions, please contact me on 07790 239074 or email [email protected] By law we have to state all our services are for entertainment purposes only!
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07790239074 (Samantha Kruszczak)

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