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The Heart of Lemuria, Sacred Healing Flames inner journeying & Ascension Ceremony with ANKARA

It is now the time to take back the ‘Torch’ in service to mother earth and all; awaken ancient memory; restore the gifts of divinity and mastery; develop self-luminosity and see the blessed light of mother earth shine with her song joined with the music of the spheres. During today’s offering we delve into the practice, step by step, of the Lemurian Heart; the heart of the Divine, which begins with the return to our origins of consciousness. And be prepared for another magical and deeply healing experience as we journey further into the great halls and chambers of the Sacred Flame Temples to receive the many sacred blessings to be found there. Sacred Flame Temples are once again accessible to an awakening humanity who hold the passion for spiritual cosmic freedom and divine love in their hearts; are eager to open the way to their homecoming; willing and committed to surrendering to the process of balancing and healing all distortions and misalignment's within their life stream, to align with their Divine Presence, embrace their Divinity and a new paradigm of love and grace for their life and for the planet. " I was blessed to be gifted with attending one of Ankara’s meditation days at the Avebury Henge. She guided our journey to connect with the feminine (lady) masters and receive teachings and blessings from them. Ankara holds a strong and clear space, this allowed me to feel supported to journey within deeply. Meeting the masters gave me many gifts that have supported me to reconnect with my higher self outside of the workshop. It has inspired me to value my inner space and spiritual connection more fully in my day to day life, where it is so easy to become disconnected from what is most important in our minds and hearts. At the end of a rich and full day I felt blessed to have been guided by Ankara to such magnificent light worlds. Her devotion and commitment to her work is such an inspiration" Susan Ascension Ceremony: ANKARA has been holding Ascension Ceremony since the 2006 and has opened these up to those that have attended her day offerings. You will find the experience profound and uplifting, literally, and a tremendous support in the Ascension process as well as generating phenomenal light that extends for a great distance! Which is why the ceremony attracts many friends of the light realms to bear witness and to join us in deepest love. If your heart calls you to this sacred ceremony then you are deeply welcome. LOGISTICS and BOOKING: booking is simple. Just leave a brief message at : [email protected] Abundance exchange: £44 on the day. (This exchange has been greatly reduced in support of all those whose heart calls them to this offering). Please arrive 10 mins prior to the start time. It is suggested to bring a packed lunch that can be enjoyed in the Henge shop garden or with the stones that surround us. It is also possible to purchase food in the village.
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Grace - Ascension mentor, Channel for the Lemurian community of Light, Ascended Masters & tree councils; Earth Healer, Sound Healer and artist

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