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Zenwise Guru - Real Feng Shui Master

Ennis, County Clare, Ireland, 60007

Holistic Therapists : Intuitive : Life Coach : Martial Arts : Mindfulness : Online / Global Practitioner : Spiritual Therapists

Available to assist Online, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex and Ennis, County Clare, Ireland.

What Feng Shui Can Do For You?
Feng Shui is about using the assets that you have--your home or business premises and manipulating them into the most advantageous form possible to bring you peace and success.

By making your environment as supportive of you as possible, Feng Shui can optimise the possibility of you achieving your goals--e.g., good health, wealth, business and career success, love and family prosperity.

Business premises Feng Shui works to increase revenue through increased business. It can minimise downturns or challenges and help get your business back on track. It can also help to create greater stability. This benefits the business owner and also the staff whose livelihoods also depend on it.

Feng Shui is an excellent tool which enhances your hard work and dedication but does not replace them. Combined with your efforts it can move you to a higher level.

In your home life we use Feng Shui to support the well being of the whole family in shared living areas such as entrances, sitting rooms and kitchens.

Feng Shui is creative living according to the law of nature. It is the great mandala of nature. Earth, water, fire, air, space, time and consciousness are the phenomenal elements of nature.

​Know Yourself, Un-divide Your Mind and Open Your Wisdom Eye are the essential practices of a Real Feng Shui Master. The ability to see how elements dance together will greatly expand your awareness. You will truly appreciate that breath of life where all and every being come from.

A Real Feng Shui Master is rare. A Great Feng Shui Master is rarer. In the old days, they have been the teachers and advisers to the emperors and the kings of China. They are accomplished meditators, great healers of land and people, brilliant observers, and insightful diviners. They are the walking treasury of wisdom. They are the Sage Scholar, the Shaman, the Buddha.

​ZenWise, carrying on in the footsteps of his teachers and ancestors, gives courses and consultation in Feng Shui and life improvement. He has studied for many years in the Five Arts of classical Chinese metaphysics and Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian philosophy and practices. He has guided many, many students and clients consciously and concretely realising a more fulfilling life.

Find out how I can help you.

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VISIT WEBSITE +353 85 851 8369
Zenwise - Author, Nature Shows You How To Feng Shui Your Health & Seer of Sound Heart Dharani. Feng Shui Master Teacher. Descendant of the legendary Sage-King Xia Yu, Controller of the Water. Trained since childhood in classical Chinese metaphysics and has been teaching and consulting internationally since 1999.
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