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Enjoy Holistic

London, UK

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Love in or Locked in? Message or our time .

We have two reality's and two schools of thought in any given moment,who you become will depend on those two factors where they lead you to and how you feel ,we have choices in every situation we are in that's usually all we've got actually and those choices are either fear or love, I am sure by now most of us have heard that but when you are in a life review moment such as this do you examine the impact that has proven to have in yourself and your own way of being in the world.
Fear is a liar!!! I love that quote it's so true isnt it? But love ahhhh love is an everlasting truth for us whether it comes or goes it is EVERLASTING in our hearts story.
Right now who are you choosing to be? Are you following the fears that lurk like shadows and highwayman waiting on the road to say who are you ?stand and deliver or you following your fairy godmother into the garden whilst she offers you to get the fairydust and wave the wand of love over your life whist she asks you what would you like to share,know and have today dear? The choice is yours.
The great thing about choices is that we can keep changing our minds until we get clearer about where those choices take us and are they leading us into the love camp or the fear camp.
The fear door is always closed ,scared, afraid of robbers and the highwayman is a constant shadow lurking around every bend in your minds pathways but love's door is always open welcoming in all who pass by to come sit a while and drink tea ,share the garden smell the roses and don't trip over the fairydust that godmother left behind as a constant reminder to choose love over fear and decide whether you want to stay in the comfort of the love camp or abandon yourself to the empty space of long winding roads that hold you hostage to loves embrace and her gifts for you.
Are you having a love in or are you locked out?
All love cheaya cheaya

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Sat, 9 May 20 : 7:05 : Cheaya

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