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Akashic Records Readings

Akashic Record Consultation with Vicky Sweetlove

What are the Akashic Records – these are the records of each individual soul and the pathways taken. They are referred to a the Book of Life. The Akashic Records can be thought of as a library of energy that is an expanding, living breathing energy field.

Every life experience, every thought, words, emotions and actions are recorded by each and everyone of us and kept in the Akashic Records library.

By opening the Akashic Records with a “sacred prayer” this allows me to access your records and gain information from the past, present and future to identify what blocks have been created and to release these patterns to allow change.

We can look at why you have addictive patterns, health issues and diets, why you choose the relationships you have and how the Akashic Records can give you the freedom to choose “grace” to be at one with the life you live today and be in the NOW.

“My clients find the readings invaluable in business and finance for direction, giving detailed descriptions of life scenarios, relationships, business partners, locations to be in the world at the right time and right place”.

Preparation for a Consultation

Make a list of questions to work from that you would like answered. Consider the areas of your life – health, relationships, family, career, creativity.
Have a pen and paper to write down any information received.
Make time for the consultation which will be your choice of 30 or 60 minutes .
Readings are by phone, skype, email and face to face.

Book a phone or personal consultation today with Vicky £65 for 30 minutes or £95 for a one hour reading. tel: 01279 654129 mob: 07885 945008 email: [email protected]

Thu, 23 April 20 : 20:04 : Vicky Sweetlove

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