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Easter and the Judgement Card

I am finding a good deal of comfort in looking to the Tarot in this troubled time, and I thought it may be useful to consider some cards. In looking through the images and characters of the Tarot, the High Priestess in particular seems to speak to me at this time. If, like me, you are finding it difficult to adjust to the new world in which we find ourselves, I hope my commentary helps.

Easter and the Judgement Card

We are the other side of the Vernal Equinox, with the full moon just behind us. Nature is awakening all around, the trees are full of blossom and our energy seems to lift. Easter is one of my favourite times of the year. We can now hang up the dark cloak of Winter, and welcome in the light.

In selecting a Tarot card representing Easter/Oestre and its messages of resurrection and rebirth, I am drawn to the Waite-Smith vision of Judgement.

This dramatic and somewhat apocalyptic scene shows an angel descending from the clouds blowing a horn; in response, the graves throughout the land open, and the dead rise up with arms outstretched.

The angel is sounding a clarion call, however rather than imagining it echoing across the land, we should understand it more as an inner calling. In readings, the call is for a reckoning of the self, our attitudes, priorities and desires. It signifies that there may be a need to sort what is good and right for us from what is bad, and asks us to arrive at, literally, a judgement concerning our actions. Needless to say this is no easy task for total honesty is needed. It may also mean acknowledging the past and entering into forgiveness, for there is a sense of absolution too. The message is that we should shed past concerns and guilt in order to create new space in our lives.

If we are brave enough, such fresh awareness and realisation may be the first steps towards much needed changes and decisions, enabling us to move forward personally or professionally.

In this card we are called back to our inner selves, but may also be called to account. We are reminded that we should not neglect what we know deep down to be right. Happiness depends on being true to ourselves.

By Harry Harwood

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Wed, 15 April 20 : 9:04 : Enjoy

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