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October Magdalene Newsletter

Welcome to the October Magdalene Newsletter, a place of sharing in these transformational times, honouring the earth and the sacred feminine during our journey towards unity. The old ways of separation do not work in the new world and as we move towards inner wholeness we are now coming together both within and without.

May you walk the path of light this month within and without.

With love,
Margaret and Graham

I often write about my own personal experiences because life teaches us so much. I share these experiences also to help you to interpret through symbolism all the messages which are being brought to you every day. Symbolism is the language of spirit, it is the language of light and once we learn how to completely interpret the symbolism of everything we become our own teachers and guides.

Even though you will have many guides who help you eventually it will be your own soul who will show you the way and it is your own soul who often sends messages through everyday occurrences to help you to understand what you need to do. Life is a mirror and every single thing within your life is reflecting back to you what you need to do or it is showing you where you are at. Each day so much wisdom surrounds you and all you need to do is to take notice of everything you are drawn to and everything that happens to you and then interpret what you see. Many people say to me that they do not know how to interpret these symbols but it is so easy because all you need to do is to feel the first feeling within your heart and that will be the correct one and that will be your answer.

This is a mystical path and mystical means hidden and the ancient teachings have been hidden in symbolism for so very long and we need to go behind what we see and what we hear to find the real truth. Whenever you give a spiritual message to someone else always go beyond the actual words and retrieve the symbolic meaning of everything which you are feeling, never take anything literally.

I tell stories about my life so that you may understand your own stories from them and receive direction and this direction very often will come directly from your soul for it is your soul who directs you every minute of every day.
My garden is a source not only of great joy to me but it is also my Temple and it shows me so much and teaches me many things. Several things within it recently have reflected back to me what is going on within me and what I need to do and what I need to change. The first thing was a black metal arch underneath which I had planted a rose and honeysuckle and my fairy lights were draped all over it; the arch was a Gateway. I realised that the arch was beginning to bend over and when I looked it had begun to rust and it was not secure within the ground so I needed to look and see what this message was for me.

The arch was a doorway into other realms and it had become rusty and it was about to fall apart. I knew that I needed a new door into the world of spirit and into the heart for all gateways are truly doorways into the heart. On this spiritual path we continually go through cycles of death and rebirth and when we come to the end of a stage we die to who we were and then we are reborn again brand-new. We die to who we were and we die to the way we live our life and so when we are reborn we have to have a new set of values and rules to live by and an even greater openness in the heart. I was being shown I needed that new door.

When I originally bought the arch I had wanted a green one and not a black one but I could not find one that was suitable so this time I made up my mind it had to be green, the colour of nature and the colour of the heart. The metal of the original one corresponds to autumn time a time of death and letting go and so this time I wanted a wooden one, the time of spring and rebirth. The arch has been ordered and I look forward to a new doorway into an even deeper connection to my heart and to spirit.

I had the most adorable wicker hare which sat next to my seat in my little woodland but it had disintegrated leaving only a metal framework which had become rusty and so I was dealing with the same thing as my hare. The Hare is not only a symbol of the goddess it is a symbol of me for that is my sign in Chinese astrology so once again I looked and I saw that so much had fallen away from me and what was left was rusty. The rust represents old emotions and so it had to go.

In its place I decided I wanted a gnome, I looked online but couldn’t find what I wanted for I wanted one with great character. Graham once again was inspired and he said he would take me to a certain garden centre but I wasn’t to tell anyone that we were going out shopping for gnomes. The very gnome I wanted was waiting for us and he travelled home with us in the boot of the car and I named him Hob. Names are very important and this one was chosen in memory of my mother’s Great Uncle Hob, I love the name, it felt so old-fashioned and Great Uncle Hob must have lived a long time ago because my mother was born in 1908. Hob now sits next to my seat where the hare once was so this was a symbol of the renewal of myself once again and the renewal of my connection to nature.

Things often come in threes as I’m sure you have already experienced and so there was a third item in my garden which needed renewing too. 20 years ago when I visited my mother in the north-east I took her a beautiful resin statue of a little girl and the feeling was that it was to remind her of me so that she would feel me close because she had roses in her hair, flowers on her dress and a watering can in her hand, like myself never far from nature and flowers. She was meant to be in the garden but my mother placed her in the hearth where she sat until the day she died eight years ago and I brought her home with me and placed her next to where I sit in the garden and I loved her so much for she was me.

She had been battered by the elements a bit like how we are all battered by our emotions on this journey and several days ago I found her face down with cracks and holes after the strong winds and I knew it was time for her to go. She was symbolic of the inner child in me for it is the inner child in all of us which needs healing, it is the child who was damaged and it is the child who needs to be made whole again. It was with great sadness that I put her in the bin, another death, another letting go.

I have found another little girl statue to replace her but this one has wings as well as flowers in her hair and on her dress so on the right day I will ceremoniously bring her into the garden, another symbol of renewal.
These three symbols are all about death and rebirth and letting go and this is the healing for all of us. During the heavy winds recently the garden has been absolutely littered with branches which have fallen down from the large poplar trees which grow in the garden next door and overhang our garden. I looked upon this as all the dead wood going and so there was much to interpret with all the symbolism.

When we are ready to die and be reborn again we drop all our dead wood and the dead wood is symbolic of the old emotions we have carried for so long for this journey is about being stripped bare, stripped bare of who we thought we were so that we may grow new wood and be made new.

In your own lives from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep take notice of everything and be aware that very often your own soul will direct you to look at things for they will have a meaning. Stop for a moment and interpret what you are drawn to and feel with your heart the first thing that comes to your mind and very soon you will have learned a new language, the language of light and it will bring you everything you need and then you will fully understand that life is just one great big mirror.

Tue, 2 October 18 : 12:10 : Enjoy

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