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Universal Energy!

SERIES OF SEMINARS UNCOVERING THE MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE! This workshop will blow your mind! A project we have been working on for many years.. and as we are now seeing. So much of this is coming true...... Our world eco system is fragile and humanity is rapidly evolving whether we are ready or not. The good news is change is coming.... its already started THE WONDERS OF NATURE Find out why the Stars, Plantlife and the Animal Kingdom is an exact balanced ecological system. Each effects the other... Think we can just find another planet to live on? Think again....! Our world eco system is fragile and humanity is rapidly evolving whether we are ready or not. The good news is change is coming.... its already started! Are you awake yet? Includes: How big is the Universe? Where does it end? Why is it expanding? Why am I here? Have I been here before? Synchronicity & Signs.... "Genius" "Incredible" "Fascinating, absolutely loved it" "Cant recommend this highly enough" "Mind blowing"! "This has totally changed how I view my life and the world" "Wow! Through decades of working and training with the spirit world and Fascinating Regression Therapy with clients, Dawn has uncovered information we all wonder about.. Including: How big is the Universe? Why is it expanding? Why am I here? Have I been here before? "Incredible" "genius" "Fascinating, absolutely loved it" "Cant recommend this highly enough" "Mind blowing"! "This has totally changed how I view my life and the world" "Wow" £60 per day including a chef prepared lunch
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07531234057 (Neil Shepherd)

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