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Animal Therapy - Level one.

Usui/Holy Fire ® Reiki Is working with animals your passion?, mine too. This one day workshop will give you all the basics to go away & practice on yourself, family, friends & the techniques for working with domesticated animals. Practical time is included in the day. Animals are highly intuitive & sensitive to the energies. They no what is good for them & are normally a pleasure to work with. Some of the topics we will cover on the day are: Background of Reiki, self healing, basic chakra system for animals, animal communication & more. You will receive a certificate & a beautiful manual to take away with you which acts as a permanent reference. Investment for this workshop is £120. Spaces are limited so a £45 non-refundable deposit will hold your place. You can pay your deposit via paypal, BACs or in person. Please ask for details. Tea/coffee/water available through the day, but please fetch food to share for lunch . please fetch 1 or 2 photos of a loved deceased animal with you. Please note: Reiki is not an alternative to veterinary treatment. I follow the Shelter Reiki association code of ethics. Holy Fire ® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand. For these events to take place there needs to be a minimum amount of people. If the minimum amount of people is not reached then the organisers reserve the right to cancel the event. All monies paid will be refunded. Divine Spark Spiritual Events reserves the right to use any photography/video taken at any event organised by Divine Spark Spiritual Events, without the expressed written permission of those included with the photography/video. We may use the photography/video in publications or other media material produced including, but not limited to brochures, invitations, websites, including facebook. Any person desiring not to have their photo taken must make there objection clear on the day.
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VISIT WEBSITE +447502161279 (Mrs Mandy Lafferty)

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