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Working With The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction might be a term you’ve come across before, it may be completely new to you, either way it is a force of the Universe that we can embrace and work in alignment with to create the life we want. Noel Edmonds talked about Cosmic Ordering and how it brought him Deal or No Deal the TV game show, after that the floodgates opened and Law of Attraction became mainstream with books being published everywhere you looked. It is not new, it is something that has been a part of the spiritual world for decades, it was just given a name & defined. If you go on YouTube you will find hundreds of videos about it, unfortunately I discovered that everyone was missing key components that we needed to be able to make it work for us, I created this workshop to help you know everything that you needed to know so you can benefit from the Law of Attraction too. Intrigued? Carry on reading. Course Content: Introduction Overview of the Law of Attraction Consciousness Levels Universal Connection Empowering Habits The 3 Step Process Gratitude Attitude Visionboarding Visualisation For Creation Co-creating Your Life Time Travel Conclusion Book Now
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