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The Laws of Healing - A Course in Miracles with Tim Christopher

Join us for a day of healing through A Course in Miracles with Tim Christopher. This teaching will include readings from the book, music and video from Master Teacher. A review of the principles that summarizes all that must occur for healing to be possible. And where it becomes possible it must happen. "This is a course in miracles. As such, the laws of healing must be understood before the purpose of the course can be accomplished."(ACIM T-26.VII.1). Participation by donation: Suggested – £60 (No-one excluded for financial concerns) For more information and booking: Deb: 0782 754 4337 // [email protected] In this world the need for healing is paramount for everyone is afflicted with the false belief in separation and the “lesser god”, a self that is its idol, made to take the place of God. Suffering and sickness, whether it be physical, emotional or mental are inevitable and inescapable consequences of faith in illusions. As students and teachers of miracles we have an overriding need to understand the nature of the mind and its propensity for suffering and sickness that we may be healed. Separation is the underlying sickness and all forms of sickness come from this fundamental cause in the mind. When the separation-sickness is seen for what it is and then denied, it goes, bringing healing and union instead. Joy is sanity replacing the madness that had taken hold in the mind before. This is a miracle and this is healing. The principles of mind on which forgiveness rests guarantees the miracles which heal, reversing the cause and effect relationship with phenomena and releasing the mind to recall its true nature. Mind is inherently whole, united and untouched by separation and without issue in itself. Yet we must heal ourselves through understanding and experience, accepting it by offering only miracles. We are remembering the power of God which brings healing and miracles to all those whom we look upon with the eyes of our healed mind.
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0782 754 4337 (Debra Frankiewicz)

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