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Acusound - Sound Healing Qualification

ACU- Sound Healing – Learn this interesting technique of using tuning forks that are tuned to the frequency of each chakra to stabilise them thus improving health. Non-invasive, very soothing and relaxing. It works by utilising the forks on the traditional Acupuncture locations - hence the name - Acusound The forks are used to balance the crucial meridian energy pathways of the body with Sound therapy. The meridian circuits have a direct relationship to the main organs and the endocrine glandular system. The optimum performance of the meridian system is essential to the general health and well being of the body as blockages in these circuits can lead to pain and disease. Clients report a general sense of well-being after treatment, relaxed and calm. It is not unusual for clients to fall into a light sleep during treatment, and without doubt this is one of the therapies that will bring clients back to your door time and time again ! Date : 30th November Venue : Grays Cabin Price : £70.00
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