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Reiki Drum Journey Workshop

Suitable for beginners and experienced An afternoon with the Drum to Journey and meet your guide or totem animal, ask questions and receive healing. In this afternoon workshop we will be exploring other realms, with the Reiki Drum Journeying, we will be able to experience at least two journeys, when we can communicate and strengthen our connection with our guides and learn about how we connect with our Inner Being.
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Reiki Enlightenment
Reiki Enlightenment - The Birth of Enlightenment Reiki Throughout my life I have received downloads of information and been taught and guided by the Ascended Masters. Through my meditations and talks with the Masters, came the idea of restructuring my teaching methods of Crystals, Colour and Sound, into a system overseen by the Ascended Masters. Making these modules more accessible to those already trained in Reiki whilst they gain a Higher Vibrational Energy and a new skill, for those dedicated to the next step of their journey to Ascension. So was born Reiki Enlightenment, which will be directly overseen by the Masters of each Ray, as a Gift to us all, providing healing tools to remind us of our ancient wisdom and knowledge through Sound, Crystals and Creative Colour. I know that all areas of my life are supported by the Higher Realms, my guides, the Ascended Masters, Angels and Cosmic Beings! The many realms and dimensions which interact with us and support us in evolving every day! The Beauty of life is that we are evolving together, learning and growing and expanding the Light Network here on the Earth plane. We here at Reiki Enlightenment invite you to step on the path of Enlightenment and join us on the pathway of Ascension.

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