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Experience Time Travel via your Psychic & Mediumistic Ability Workshop

Step Back In Time - Experience Time Travel through your Psychic and Mediumistic Ability 11:00am - 5:00pm £35.00 per person Come & Join Kallima & Daniel Pitt with this fascinating workshop. This will be a fun and exciting day using your own psychic ability and working with those who guide you in the spirit world. Daniel will take you on a journey back in time, using deep relaxation and meditation. Discover if you have been here before, if you share a past life with your spirit guides and/ or those around you already in this life. Explore how experiences from the past affect your life now discover who are your shadows and may be your soul mates and teachers You will also be shown how to use your psychic ability to give soul readings to help others see their journey from past to present. Tutor :- Daniel Pitt * No experience required Spaces MUST be Booked & Paid for in advance Tel: 01268 524040
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01268 524040
The Wonky Witch
The Wonky Witch - I am known as 'The Wonky Witch' and I run Kallima Spiritual Centre

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