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We gather at each New and Full Moon for a time of Attunement, Channelled Meditation and Sharing. We follow a format for these evenings, set by Steve’s Spirit Guide, Simeon. We begin with a Circle of Attunement, to share and circulate energy and protection, creating a sacred space for our work. We look at the specific energies of the Moon at that time, and what we may need to do to adjust to this, in ourselves and our lives. We are then led through the first part of our Meditation, channelled through Steve. Following that we draw an oracle card and share its meaning for us, with group input and support. Lastly there is the second part of our guided Meditation. Our evenings always conclude with a lovely social time of sharing over a drink and our infamous biscuit tin! Dates are set by the New and Full Moon, as close as is possible. Meetings are from 7.30 - 9.30pm and cost is just £5.
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VISIT WEBSITE 07852 980199 (Steve Hounsome)

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