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Louise Sayer - Psychic Medium Healer Teacher

Rayleigh, UK, SS6 7HY

Healing : Intuitive : Online / Global Practitioner : Readers

I'm an Psychic Medium Healer Teacher.

Just to give you a little history and a somewhat condensed version of my spiritual journey that started around the age of six;

I began to have premonitions and encounters with the spirit world on a daily basis. To me these experiences were a very normal and natural part of my life. It was not until I reached my teens that I started to become more inquisitive about my psychic abilities and I now needed answers. I visited many clairvoyants and mediums and would be told the same information..… "the reason why you have been having these experiences,is because the spirit world wish to work with you"

At 24 after having my second child, I began to have experiences of physical phenomena which consisted of lights turning on by themselves, to knocks at the door only to find nobody there. Whilst I was never afraid of these incidents I now needed to understand them and how to control them. This led me to a clairvoyant evening at a local centre where by the guest medium gave me a pertinent message explaining everything I needed to know about the next phase of my journey.

Meditation played a huge part in my daily ritual and I wasn't even sure if I was meditating correctly, but the benefits outweighed the doubts. I would sit quietly with a candle burning, close my eyes and wait for information to be given to me in the form of symbols or words. For several years I would continue with my meditation, not realising at the time that this would be the absolute "key" to developing any psychic or mediumistic abilities. My development took many paths, different twists and turns but always returning to spiritualism.

I continued to give readings and was also approached to take services in local spiritualist churches, centres giving public demonstrations, for those that know me, they will tell you that I'm not one to be centre of attention, I'm more the wall flower type.

And so my passion continues in the form of giving readings, energy healing, and facilitating different classes to assist people to either develop their intuition or to explore healing abilities that they have.

I am now in the process of setting up a support group/meetup in my local area for women that are survivors of narcissistic abuse. Please see "Nurturing the soul"


Diploma in psychic development

Meditation Teacher

Ascension Teacher

Rahanni celestial healing Teacher/Practitioner

Tibetan Acu Sound Therapy

Auricular Therapy (without needles)

Reiki Master

Angelic Reiki Practitioner

Indian Head Massage

First Aid

NVQ level 3 Health and Social Care

Seated Exercise Facilitator

Emotional Freedom Technique

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