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The Future Of Our Species Is Not...

The Future Of Our Species Is Not...
by Serapis

February 26, 2010
Planet Earth

The future of our species is not so readily perceived. No delineation is as readily apparent as that which is suggested by 2D graphs of increasing knowledge, cultural advance or scientific progress. Cellular interactions must guide us to realize that there is a fine line between survival and interdependence. A new paradigm of understanding that DNA is a dual receptor/transmitter and not solely a determinant of genetic inheritance has propelled us spiritually and engendered a sense of personal empowerment.

We are first and foremost a community, an aggregate within. Where we have faltered and do falter is in the survivalist apprehension of vague organizing concepts brought on by the hemispheric principle of mind/brain/body, receptive characteristics that somehow are translated into premises of rational thought. Amidst the myriad forces of constant motion and change is a survivalist urge for summation, for accounting, and a program for reductionist thought to accommodate our interpretation of time.

The seas that surround us, rock us both within and without as constants of synchronicity. They are pulsing with cosmic waves, rustlings of solar winds and somehow, yet, there is a consistency of cellular memory, as legions of cells and their structures, divide, die and reform. Pattern recognition drives us into reflection as we surmise that our experience of time and dimension is able to be understood. Form as formlessness defies that kind of logic as we perceive the subjective experiences that we encounter.

Why is it we fear the powers that are available to us? In so many instances we falter, seek out in judgment and in thought form a comfortable explanation that essentially removes us from the field of action. For this reason, an understanding of dimensions can be a mind altering, body awakening experience of change as limitless flow. Manifesting that which we desire is an environmental prerequisite for what we have come to see as spiritual evolution. Limitation becomes self imposed when our intention is less than pure. Cultural evolution is an environmental response to conditions and generally only perceived from a safe rational distance.

What defies this, however, is the sense of timelessness, the sense of a vertical axis of time, a galactic understanding of the black hole at the center torus of our neighborhood. The tension that exists between the iron crystal core of our planet and Hunab Ku in the Sagittarius system allows us to sense the galactic informational highways of Light. Time acceleration and The World Tree are not mere concepts. Conjunctions and alignments of stars and systems, solstices and equinoxes and eclipses, shade shadow and enlighten our paths as we breathe and create the universe.

The matrix is both within and without any of the edges of thought. It is our senses that bump against these edges and leave us lost at times, and stalwart at others. So, we ask is information as energy lost or transmuted at the event horizon of a black hole? When consciousness enters the great void, what dark curtain do we encounter? Is a door closed to open a window? Bentov sees the emergence of new suns from out a white hole in what the new physics calls non locality.

Bones and rocks hold the record of the inestimable now. Dizzying cycles of overlapping waves in interference become the hologram. Enough to not separate us from one another as form, we ride the Zuvuya, the cosmic wave, as time indeed melts from form itself. If we see further back in time as we stare deeper into the black night of stellar patterns and galactic breath, do we, not only encounter our future as now, but also create an intention of perpetuity that is without explanation? The Light does guide us, beckons to us from more distant worlds to come, and to go while technologies well hidden send their probes forward into our unremembered galactic path Exoplanets are ferried along in this swirling dance as we drag this cosmic cursor of place into the morrow.

Sat, 17 August 19 : 15:08 : Q

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