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Ananda and the subtle art of listening to yourself

Ananda and the subtle art of listening to yourself

The craze of having to have what I call a 'nanny coach' for pretty much every activity you happen to show a passing interest in, has, in my opinion, reached an all time high! So it is pretty refreshing to see these rules being broken, especially by someone whose job spec is to tell you what/how/when to do or not to do...I'll elaborate.

I went to a flow yoga class here in Brussels, and was greeted by a grounding, cool, California meets Tibet type of teacher aptly named Ananda.

Ananda knows her shit. She is as bendy as the 80s plastic stripy straw, and as sturdy as an oak tree, yet, somewhere in between the bendy/sturdy appearance, lies a wise teacher who trusts that you, as a fully functioning adult, have, mastered the art of listening to yourself. After all, you managed to earn the money, to join the prestigious Yoga centre, and to bring your skinny bendy and clad in Lulu Lemon leggings ass to her class, so it is safe to assume that you know when asana is too ambitious and maybe not available to least not today.

I loved the class...It was supposed to be a simple yoga class, where you breathe in and out and OM and chant and you do your best to turn into a graceful looking pretzel without collapsing midway and disturb others on their way to reaching the flow with Ananda.

But it was more than yoga. It was a skillfully choreographed and structured master class in learning the art of listening to yourself. Ananda stayed away from walking around and correcting us. Instead, she allowed the class to organically unfold, by quietly observing and encouraging us to flow into the next pose. She trusted our deeper wisdom to stop when it starts to be super unpleasant, in short, to not hustle hard. As what is the point of doing something once, and then spending five days in recovery?!

And I can hear some of you say that if not supervised one may fall and get injured and...Sure, I get it, and you are right...But I still believe that we need more experiences like this one. Injuries et all...It is after all what living a grown up life is all about...

Listening to yourself, knowing when to stop if it becomes too painful and not pleasant be it a relationship, job, friendship, or a yoga asana...Imagine having someone chaperoning you all the time and telling you what is good or what is bad for you...? Where is the freedom in that? It certainly isn't a way to living a free and fulfilled life.

Not being able to rely on your inner voice, instinct, on the input from your Unconscious is why many people are finding themselves disconnected - disconnected from themselves and life in general.

If I am not mistaken, for many people, while under parents' supervision, it was all about waiting to grow up so that we could stop listening to adults and do things our way, right? So what happened to that? How did things escalate so quickly? How did we become adults afraid of our own shadows, while harbouring dreams of entrepreneurship, running our own shows and being our own bosses?

My dears, if you find yourself needing an approval, a nod, a correction by an 'expert', stop for a moment and look inside first...see if you can dig a little deeper and ask yourself what is it that you need and that you currently lack.

Stop giving your power away, before you gave yourself a chance to tap inside your treasure chest. Once you have identified the need(s), by all means go ahead and find an expert...But not someone who will confirm what you already know, but someone who knows how to help you get to where you want to go - In a hassle free, more elegant and a graceful way. Honouring your genius!

Accelerated growth happens when we approach an expert with a clear mind, focus and vision. Fully present and into our body/mind. And for that to happen, it is essential to first master the gentle art of listening to yourself. This is how transformation happens. #HustleGently

Lidija M Rosati

Lidija M Rosati - a soulful unconventional entrepreneur, global transformational leader, who travels the world coaching budding entrepreneurs to take their ideas off the ground, empowering and supporting women globally to live Sourced, connected and divinely guided life, inspiring them to nurture their dreams, to enjoy building their businesses, while cultivating the magical art of hustling gently. Her work is mindfully created and holistically inspired. She is a fully accredited NLP Trainer (Classic and New Code), International Speaker, Business Coach, Hypnotherapist, to name but a few. In addition, she helped co-create Momentum Method – a set of tools designed for the 21st century living and beyond, covering wealth creation, weight loss and thriving relationships.

Corporate hippy and a curious nomad, she left the corporate world to pursue her many passions. Born in Eastern Europe, lives in Western Europe and works across the globe. Bestselling author of Gaining While Losing – The Gentle Art of Transformation. The world is her playground and her mission is to leave a legacy of authentic wealthy empowered women worldwide. Her expertise are slim healthy bodies and healthy bank accounts!
[email protected]


Wed, 17 October 18 : 14:10 : Enjoy

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