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Light activation's to Awaken the Higher Chakra's with ANKARA and the lady Masters...A sacred Gift to yourself!

This is a rare opportunity to be working with the Ascended lady masters that profoundly hold and represent the divine feminine energies: Lady Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena as well as masters Andromeda & Archangel Michael. It is an intensive day of inner journeying and downloading the high frequencies of light and sound through deep attunement to these guardians of the higher the portals and to have revealed and activated the higher frequency chakras, beyond the seven major centres. Once activated you will continue to have access to these sacred portals to awaken cellular memory and connect you more profoundly to your I AM Presence, to propel you to your personal Ascension. This is an opportunity for you that have consciously been on the path with dedication and devotion and whose sacred heart now calls for the next step of unfoldment on your blessed journey. "Sunday at Avebury with Ankara and the Masters was amazing as I knew it would be. The day itself was deep and nourishing.The activations felt very powerful and I was grateful for the quiet times to integrate. The camaraderie from Ankara and fellow participants was supportive, whilst, at the same time, I felt the space to fully experience and receive the gifts. A few days later, I am feeling a big shift. Something has changed. I feel more able to speak from my authentic heart with ease and grace. I feel more able to simply be me.What a relief. I feel a greater sense of freedom.Thank you Ankara and thank you to the Light Beings that supported us all on that beautiful day. I am eternally grateful. Jane Thank you Ankara" Due to popularity this day’s offering was held twice last year. This year we will be having a longer day for stillness and integration with the exclusion of the New Earth ceremony in the afternoon. (The New Earth Energies & Sacred Earth Healing circle takes place each month to which all are welcome). All those that have attended today’s sacred offering will also be invited to an Ascension Ceremony. NOTE: If you had joined us last year then re-joining this intensive will be of great benefit and the abundance exchange can be discounted. LOGISTICS and BOOKING: numbers are limited; we suggest that you book your place as soon as you can and it is simple. Just leave a brief message at : [email protected] Deep thanks Abundance exchange on the day: £62 Concessions are available. So if you heart calls to join us then be there! And we greatly look forward to welcoming you. It is recommended that during the week following this day, participants pace their time well, and spend time in nature and meditation as well as rest, to support the integration of the energies.
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Grace - Ascension mentor, Channel for the Lemurian community of Light, Ascended Masters & tree councils; Earth Healer, Sound Healer and artist

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