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Balancing Lower Energies Chakras with Reiki

The Solar Plexus chakra processes sugar, and controls digestion, regulates feelings of self-worth, confidence, power, clear choices for selfhood. It regulates the attitudes of being well with yourself and knowing your worth, linking into your personal power, which comes from an affirmed sense of selfhood.

The Sacral Chakra governs reproductive organs, which control sexual development. They regulate deservedness, pleasure, joy/feeling bad, not caring for your physical body, giving ourselves permission to have what we want. Attitudes of being and having enough, knowing that you deserve the life you say you want, enjoyment and well-being, delighting in good health.

Root Chakra governs the adrenals, fight or flight function of the kidneys is activated. Security is the aspect of the root chakra that keeps us focused and grounded. The negative qualities are anger, aggression, jealousy, and victim consciousness. It governs the attitudes of the right to what we want and the sense of belonging to community and social connections.

If you feel that any of the above relates to what you are going through then it’s time to receive some regular receive regular Reiki sessions. When you are going through an energetic rebalancing the things have been there for a very long time will be addressed and re-balanced. It is good for each person, even a seasoned Reiki, to– you’ll be glad you did!

Christine Snowdon
ICRT, Dr Usui, Tibetan Master
Psychic Medium Readings

Fri, 11 January 19 : 13:01 : Reiki Croydon/Readings

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