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Extracts from The House of Wisdom - Yoga Spirituality of the East and West

Discovering different routes

Whatever route we take, it should bring about profound changes in our nature, in different levels of our being. These deeper changes can only take place with a disciplined application of the practices that we undertake, along with wholesome attitudes of mind that instil deep spiritual levels of awareness.

Opening to greater possibilities

We all rely on others to survive and live healthily. The food we eat and the clothes we wear are usually the products of other people. We cannot live healthily without intimate relationships. We may restrictively extend this intimacy to only a few closest to us, but a genuinely creative and abundant life finds deep and meaningful relationships in all areas and cares and works towards the good of all people.

Embracing wholeness

If we embrace the whole – including higher qualities of mind, intuition, wisdom, reasoning, reflective thinking, compassion and the true Self – in order to untangle ourselves from unconscious fears and conditioned patterns of action and reaction, from grasping for pleasure or rejecting things when they do not fit our current understanding, we will arrive at a more centred and nourishing place. In the midst of unfamiliarity we will tap into the power of authentic being instead of obscuring it, and face and work through denied levels, difficult stages, and find ways of opening up to ourselves and others – allowing people in to touch our lives and to give help freely when others may need it.

The One that unites and creates

Some teachings have encouraged the idea of there being a separation between nature and spirituality, or have promoted ideas about the meaninglessness of life. In opposition to these, wholism is about seeking an integration of our being with nature and being more life affirming. Now, more than ever, we need to include and cherish the Earth and all its inhabitants, instead of denying and/or abusing our planet and not caring about our global brothers and sisters.

Although natural disasters demonstrate a destructive side to nature – just as our own creativity can have when it is manifested without responsibility and a spiritual purpose – it is because of our connections with nature that we find it so healing and often feel pulled to reflect upon its abundant beauty. No two humans or blades of grass are identical, yet all connect with an underlying unity. If meditated upon, the smallest plant or creature can lead us to realising deeper mysteries and how we are not separate from each other. Because of this connection, we have an individual and collective responsibility for humanity and the world, as we are all one family created in God with infinite creative potential, which we were given to use.

Spirituality is in many ways about being awake to this potential, and the abilities and possibilities that are available to us in every moment, which can lead us to being spontaneously creative and skilfully participating in life as it unfolds. For within everyone there is the Creative Divine Impulse, and when we create, we are taking part in and celebrating the Creativity that exists within the universe – we become co-Creators.

This active form of spirituality is intrinsically bound-up with wholeness and compassion. We should not confuse it with egotistical ideas of creativity, but realise that it is bound-up with what can naturally flow from us as a result of our interrelation with all. It connects us to the dance of Creation in the quest for cosmic harmony and balance. Through this we find a deeper sense of the sacred in all. For as the social and spiritual activist Vimala Thakar reminds us, “As soon as there is awareness of wholeness, every moment becomes sacred, every moment is sacred”.

Transformations in development

We all go through various light and dark periods in our development. This is to be expected as we grow out of old patterns of thinking and behaviour, and life wakes us up to a greater truth and reality. For within the darkness of winter there dwells the light of spring and growth.

Development is about bringing together all our experiences of life and being at one with them. After winter look to new vision, new light, new life. Sow and you shall reap the rewards of spiritual growth, happiness and enlightenment.

Nurturing the good

Whichever path we have chosen, whatever religion or our nationality, ‘yoga is for all’. It is the path of union of our individual self with the transcendent and universal Self: the recognition of our true spiritual being – That which is a part of God. For we were all made in the likeness of the Creator.

When the tree casts its seeds then those seeds grow into the likeness of the tree. But just as these seeds need to be nourished, we must also cultivate the Divine Seed within us. Although all practices of yoga can help us to do this, we will often need to rely on more than one method.

When we look at the mistakes we have made in our lives, the anguish or hurt we may have caused others, or things we have done which we are not proud of, we can sometimes understandably find it hard to recognise our spiritual nature. But through prayer and meditation we can come to the sanctuary of the Divine and find forgiveness. “The real way of profiting by the humiliation of one’s own faults is to face them”, Fenelon reminds us.

We must learn to forgive and love ourselves – warts and all – before we can transfer our forgiveness, love and compassion to others. We should never despair, but endeavour to keep evolving and growing. Learn to be kind to yourself and to cultivate the healing power of self-acceptance; for we cannot change anything until we know how to accept it. Realise you are more than the appearance of any negatives, and being aware of and working with and through them is the core of practical development. Go to the roots of the tree and find nourishment there. This is yoga and spiritual growth in action.

Transforming ourselves in the Light of the true Self

Changes are inevitable if we are to continue to grow in the knowledge and application of yoga. Remember yoga is about life, and the practices are for growth and for expanding our spiritual awareness. I would be failing in the work my Guru Paramahansa Satyananda gave me to carry out if I did not endeavour to convey this and, indeed, aim to live by it. My teacher Sri Trivadi Ramachandra also wanted me to encourage all students I came into contact with, to convey the true essence of the practices – the essence that is portrayed in the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Great Epics, Tantras and many spiritual writings.

Within these teachings it reminds us that we are pure Spirit here and now. They advocate practices that help us to awaken to the infinite qualities of the Spirit within and reveal Its true radiance. The mantra So-ham can help us do this by reminding us of the ever-present Divine. It is within everyone’s capabilities to be able to chant this mantra, or to contemplate it silently on the in and out flow of breath (‘So’ on the in-breath and ‘ham’ on the out-breath).

By daily chanting the Gayatri, it can help to remove obstacles and bring us closer to that Great Union, the Ultimate Yoking/Integration of our being with the true Self – realising That which we know as God, the Divine Light. Through meditation, mantra and profound and deep levels of prayer we can become instruments of God’s compassion, forgiveness, light, joy, peace and love.

We need to offer ourselves in service and share the truth and wisdom of yoga in all areas of our lives and in all that we do.


Sun, 25 November 18 : 8:11 : Enjoy

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