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ONE LOVE revolutionary Healing

ONE LOVE revolutionary Healing
A FASTER developing journey of HIGHER learning and Spiritual attainment from Divine Feminine & Quan Yin. Embrace ONE LOVE. Pioneering new ways of awakening via physical and spiritual support. The advanced resonance of the ‘LiGht Healing’ programme integrates to a greater scale, allowing life-changes beyond expectation. ‘Light Healing’ programme 1-3, (a nine-month advanced spiritual rebirth) forming fast-track development, helping students prepare towards full enlightenment. Sacred and Cosmic HeARt alignment and activation/switch on. Intermediate training brings living from a TRI HeARt center. Ultimately choose the pace and the process that suits you. A rolling programme of seven levels of attainment Allonus LiGht Healing programme is unique and second to none. Greater scale of self-discovery, allowing life changes beyond expectation. Can you afford to miss this programme on your journey of awakening. New Approach to Inner Peace and LOVE LiGht Healing programme foundation 2-day is beneficial in many ways. Very different from other modalities, incorporates a unique support package for the individual. Supporting your own development. Unique support system incorporated for each of us, with deflection of negativity, tools helping to keep us out of emotion 24/7 - a bonus within itself. DILH tools are for everyone and don’t have to become a healer to receive or use the protection provided. With DILH you can enjoy inner peace every day without spending hours of meditation. We help heal the heart and open the second Heart chakra called the Sacred Heart.  Subtle powerful tools are learnt to balance, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Skills to help ground and enhance cognitive abilities are included.  Energetics and Chakras are cleansed and rebalanced. Giving a whole new meaning to opening the Heart chakra and connecting to Christ Consciousness and ONE LOVE. Enjoy the connection to the true essence of you.  I really loved the course – it was amazing a good balance between theory and practical. I feel Iike the workshop training is just touching the surface of what is on offer. Day one was so easy with the clearing, day 2 much more practical and packed with information. The mediation clearings were amazing especially the selenite approach, not felt anything like this before. I loved the clearings and solar connection. Helen Leeds Check out the web site for more details, venues and dates Times 10am -5pm each day  Bring pillow and blanket for re-modeling clearings TV interview now on our website and You can see more on the web site and You tube  What makes Diamond Inguz LiGHt Healing SO different from Reiki? - Diamond Inguz LiGHt Healing - Founder Joy Wisdom [email protected]
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VISIT WEBSITE 01691 718927 (Joy Wisdom)

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