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Can You Heal Disease and Illness Using Scalar Energy?

Can the body be healed and age reversed through Scalar energy? Some researchers say yes and are working towards these ends using Scalar energy, and water.

So, what is Scalar energy? Scalar electromagnetism, also known as Zero-Point energy, Prana, or Chi/Qi is the energy of the absolute everything which has always existed. It is God, the Creator, or whatever you want to call the Being that just IS.

Scalar energy is a "longitudinal" EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from "transverse" EM, which power all our electronic devices. Instead of traveling in linear 3-dimensions (3D) they "travel" through many dimensions instantaneously and are not subject to the man made laws of physics as many mainstream scientists adhere. Think of a slinky that two people are holding. If one jerks the slinky so that it moves up & down in waves it takes a certain amount of time for the wave to travel to the other person. Now if one of those two people were to push the slinky towards the other, the wave would be much faster as the energy moved.

This new discovery of "scalar electromagnetism" is that time itself is compressed energy. Scalar energy has the capacity to carry unlimited information instantaneously from any part of the Universe. It also does not degrade, or lessen with the passing of time or distance. Scalar Energy cannot be measured by modern frequency instruments as it is without frequency.

Recent theories, being proved by physicists such as Nassim Haramein have postulated and worked out mathematically that ALL points in the universe are connected to ALL other points in the Universe through micro-wormholes. This means that the information/energy to heal any condition is always available, but a means to connecting to it is needed. Scalar energy devices, such as a Rife machine, is one such machine. In actuality, our RNA/DNA is a scalar energy machine, which is in constant communication with All That Is, however our minds tell us this isn't so, suppressing the healing power that does inherently exist.

Scalar energy (information) can be imbued into water with a scalar energy generator as water holds information, which Dr. Masaru Emoto showed in his many experiments regarding energy, intention and water.

The theory regarding Scalar energy is that the body can be directly imbued with the proper information, or water can be used as a medium to transfer the information directly into the DNA and bio-energy fields that make up our being. This energy can transfer the proper information to transform the diseased, or unhealthy cells back into healthy ones.

Some pioneers in this field include Nikola Tesla who discovered Scalar Waves along with Dr. Royal Rife, Dr. Fritz Popp to name others.

Scalar devices can be used by anyone, from the inexpensive such as a Scalar wand, to a Rife machine. I know a healer who uses a Scalar wand to enhance healing sessions and has some small miracles. One person had severe neck pain for 13 years and regularly visited both a chiropractor and shiatsu practitioner. The healer used the Scalar wand for 1 minute via an online session and the person's neck pain was completely healed as the pain left and never returned! The individual went to her chiropractor and shiatsu practitioner, who both stated it was a miracle and over two months later the woman's pain has not returned.

To get more info about Scalar wands see -
To get more information about Rife machine see -

To read more about healing with Scalar energy -


Wed, 14 August 19 : 20:08 : Q

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Great information - thank you Q:)

Thu, 15 August 19 : 13:08 : Azraella
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When you see the research Nassim has put together in his videos in terms of everything being connected, it really helps join the dots with understanding the greater reality and consciousness we share.

Thu, 15 August 19 : 20:08 : Ian
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Enjoy Holistic

London, UK

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