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Get Clear and Create! Manifestation Workshop

It is believed that there are many universal laws, ones which govern our own energy, the energy of the earth and the energy of the whole universe. The Law of Attraction is just one of these laws. The Law of Attraction is based on a simple concept, which is that 'like attracts like'. So to start, thoughts are energy and they are at the beginning of everything we create. Without the first thought, nothing would be created. If we want to empower that thought energy we need to focus on it, talk about it regularly, write it down or create art to represent that thought. The next element of this process is to FEEL what it would be like to already be or have the things we wish to manifest. It is therefore helpful to be involved in a creative process of finding the images which make you feel something and making your own unique vision with these images. Add a photo of yourself somewhere on your board to remind you that this is your vision, and place it somewhere you can see it every day to keep you focused. This workshop will help you to be more specific about what it is that you desire for your life and then focus on how to bring those things into your experience. It is beneficial for anybody, whether or not you feel you are already on your way to achieving your goals. I will be incorporating comprehensive healing procedures to clear the aura of each person who attends, setting intentions to let go of the past and finding your powerful word or phrase to manifest. I believe it is first imperative that people are able to clear the blocks and resistance that they have to manifesting, before they can experience the full benefit. The second half of the day will be spent creating your own vision board to take home. Please contact me for further details of this workshop. These will be held in Cambridgeshire or Bedfordshire on a regular basis.
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VISIT WEBSITE 07775885102 (Carol Fenner)

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