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Deep Soul Connection

Sandpits Road, Glastonbury BA6 8EH, UK


Channelling / Trance

Do you have a strong desire to serve Humanity by becoming your most authentic empowered self with the courage and honesty to own, love and integrate your shadow into the Light of your Higher Self?

Bringing Higher Self right into the body is not a path for the faint-hearted. It requires us to be willing to meet, own and clear the content so often blocking our channels of authentic expression.

These times are calling so many of us forward to share our gifts and offerings, to make a difference and to help transform our world and society.

If you are experiencing a powerful passionate urge to make a positive difference and contribute from your heart...or to simply BE more of yourself (the greatest contribution we can make)...Then you are in the right place.

Chung Fu, and the many ascended Beings who are gathering and working together, are facilitating exquisite soul experiences where you can attain and deepen your connection with your Higher Self. From within this state of deep connection, combined with a humble acknowledgement of your beautifully
vulnerable divine humanity and the places of pain and joy therein, there is no limit to how you can truly change the way you feel on the inside.

To be fully present here and now, we are all being called to bring our shadow out of the dark, to own it and to embrace it with our deepest that we can be integrated and whole again. Our spiritual work is grounded in emotional literacy and opening, including shadow work, and integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our being.

We are committed to creating deep held safe space for dynamic transformation work in the heart and soul where you can be witnessed and understood deeply, emotionally and spiritually beyond the surface masks.

VISIT WEBSITE 07948238208

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Deep Soul Connection

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Clearing Emotional Content using Sound and the Elements
0 Sally-Pullinger 1625 Days


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