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Reiki first Degree - Traditional Usui Reiki course

Our reiki first degree is completed firstly by some home study from the beautiful manual provided by Reiki Evolution along with audio CD's or you can request a download version if you wish. You have lots of time to practice different techiques and understand how different energy can feel. You will also learn two guided meditations called Hatsu Rei Ho (energy exercises) and a self-treatment meditation that Reiki’s founder taught. There is no need to take notes so you can just sit back and relax, taking in everything on the day as everything we teach is in the manual so you won't miss a thing. We also include a beautiful reiki first degree certificate & a lovely reiki precept card. we are also working on a very groovy Reiki Practice T-shirt so watch this space! We will be on hand to give you all of the support you need by email or messenger and are always happy to have a chat over the phone so you can rest ashored if you get stuck you can always ask us any questions you may have.
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VISIT WEBSITE +44 7817 428411 (James Graydon-Rhodes)
James Graydon-Rhodes
James Graydon-Rhodes - We understand that you are not living your best life possible unless your mind and body are completely healthy. Our reiki treatments and sessions will help you achieve your spiritual goals & get your mind and body in the best place it can be .

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