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Flowers. Story. Ritual

Flowers. Story. Ritual a one- day workshop, in London on Sunday 24th February, at the Flower Pot in Hoxton. 10 - 4.00 pm With Eleanor Sara (School of Botanical Arts) and Ellie Rose ( Hawthorn Connection) You are warmly invited to join us for a day of delving into connection with the plant kingdom. The focus of this day will be to works with the spirit of flowers for our own well being, connection and creativity. We will look at ways to develop rituals for ourselves that nourish our deepest relationship with the Earth and our lives. A day of nourishment, creativity and pleasure. Expect a day with self-enquiry, beauty, creative drawing practice, meditation and receive your own flower essence to take with you and receive a traditional Mexican flower blessings, called a ‘limpia’ . Limpias are a deep and traditional form of energetic blessing from Mexico using flowers that come You will need to bring with you a bunch of flowers on the day. With Colombia flower market around the corner on Sundays you are sure to find some beautiful ones. This will be a unique day, and an opportunity to work with the energy of late winter, we will look at the teachings of the winter flower the snowdrops, and the potential of new beginnings stirring in your own life story. We will also work with the fiery magic of St Johns Wort for energy and positivity… and much more. If you have any questions please do ask, and please tell anyone who might enjoy day of deep delving into the beautiful world of flower for healing and connection. TO BOOK: Early bird £55 before 31 Jan. £65 from 1 Feb. Early bird price is available till the 31st January and you can book now online here: You can also book via PayPal- email us to book and funds to the email address [email protected] MORE INFORMATION: The Facebook event details listing is here for more information about the day workshop:
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