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Authentic Smile Mind & Body EXPO

What the day is about Take a day out for you, your mind and body and come and join us on a day of interactive self-care workshops. 5 workshops throughout the day given by Local experts in their field. Live music and stalls for some retail therapy too. Learn new techniques to help you have a balanced life within and connect with your Authentic Smile. 10.00 – 11am Journal Journey Workshop led by Sue Allsworth (Authentic Smile) – Jenny Luddington (All Heart Led). If you’ve never been ‘double teamed’ by Sue and Jenny before, you are in for a treat. They will be delivering a workshop on ‘deservability’. You may have heard about the Law of Attraction – but if you’re under lying belief is that you are undeserving you will not attract all the abundance that you are deserving of. 11.15 – 12.15pm Resilient You workshop led by Sheree Bell - Folkestone Wellbeing Centre All too often we berate ourselves for the way we look. How many of us spend hours every week worrying about our weight, our size and our shape? How many of us fret over food? How many of us simply feel ‘not good enough’? In this workshop Sheree will help us explore the root of this unhappiness and teach some brief interventions from the Resilient You programme to make us feel better about ourselves – no matter what size or shape we are. 12.30 - 1.30pm The Art of Relating Led by Haya Devi Kalechman In this interactive learn session, Haya invites you to revisit your relationships and offers you tools to feel what you really want, to communicate it in a safe, clear and kind way and to transform your way of relating into an art form. 1.30pm– 2.45pm Lunch and retail opportunity & LIVE MUSIC 2.45pm -3.45pm OmmaySing Me Led by Laura Topper Unleash your inner child and say YES to sparking the the light of innocence and fun that's just waiting to come out and play. OmmaySing Me is all about nurturing that connection to your brilliance and this GROWN UP workshop is especially for the LIGHT hearted big kids that are ready to embrace their rainbow world within ! Based in Brighton and created by Laura Topper, OmmaySing Me is an inspirational self awareness programme for children, grown ups and teachers. 4pm – 5pm Chakra Dancing led by Janet Bloom and Sue Allsworth Experience a Chakra Dancing workout for the mind, body and soul. We all vibrate at many different frequencies which can be linked to specific areas of the body. Grounding the energy and releasing stress and emotion, Chakra Dancing balances the seven energy centres situated along the spine. Stimulating the natural flow of energy, or chi, through the Chakras, the dance leads to physical and mental well-being, a workout for everyone from the inside out. The music is powerful, and reflects each chakra, from tribal drums, to funky jazz, dance contemporary, classical, Tibetan bowls. For more details please visit: For tickets please visit:
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VISIT WEBSITE +447528156503 (Sue Allsworth)

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