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Angelica Alchemical Plant Spirit Retreat

Angelica Alchemical Plant Spirit Retreat
Angelica archangelica, commonly known as Garden Angelica, Wild Celery, and Norwegian Angelica, is a biennial plant from the Apiaceae family. It has been revered and cultivated since ancient times for it’s curative properties as it was said to cure just about anything! Known as the herb of angels this glorious plant enables us to connect and receive inspiration from the celestial realm. Ruled by the element of fire this plant brings purification, renewal and illumination - a perfect plant to diet with for anyone feeling stuck in their life, in need of clarification, inner-strength and guidance on their life journey. Angelica offers both protection and sovereignty on your soul path. During this ceremonial and alchemical plant diet we will fast and only drink an elixir made from Angelica. We will combine both shamanic practices and Taoist inner alchemy to connect deeply with the conscious intelligence of Angelica and help us cultivate a strong and balanced energy body to ground and embody the powerful life-forces of this beautiful plant. Just like the strong stem of Angelica through which she grounds the angelic energies, so we need a body that is able to receive and integrate her healing gifts. Taoist Alchemist, Barry Spendlove will teach us internal alchemical exercises to clear the energetic pathways for the embodiment of these celestial energies. This will be a powerful series of ancient Taoist practices that we can continue with after the retreat. We will stimulate and activate meridian flow, bring balance to the 5 elements and 3 types of energies within us (Earth, Spirit and Chi energies). We will learn how to improve our skeletal structure to stand solidly between earth and the divine. The retreat also includes: transformational breathwork, shamanic healing and journeying, fire ceremony, healing sounds to release emotional tension and blockage and a Sunday feast before you leave. More info:
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